Our Core Values
Team-centric, driven by trust and positivity, with a can-do attitude, focused on building value and encouraging continuous learning.
We are Team Centric
We operate as a team first and value great team results. We believe in selflessness, fairness and respect-which is earned-for each other. We are also gracious to one another. Our team screams integrity. Beyond being honest and ethical, our leaders and employees take their commitments seriously, are proactive and accountable for their results. The success of the team breeds individual excellence because being a part of something bigger is what we all strive to achieve.
We Operate on a Foundation of Trust
We demand trust from our leadership and employees. Trust lies at the core of effective, positive relationships that we have with each other. The people who we do business with; our customers, our suppliers and/or partners must be able to rely on our trust every day.
We Have a Can-Do Attitude
We exceed expectations with urgency and detail. The needs of our customers come first with a whatever it takes initiative. We have no trouble with the curveball as we find ways to improvise, adapt and overcome. We continue to always look for improvement in what we do and strive for excellence.
We Build Brand Value
Our aim is to have passion for and take pride in our brand every day. How well we excel in designing and manufacturing our products to the highest quality, delivering and communicating with our customers and suppliers determines our brand’s value. Whereby, it’s impactful and makes a difference in what we do. Our brand is also known for being part of our local community.
We Believe in Positivity
When we are positive everything is easier. We are happier and healthier at work and home, which gives us balance. It’s contagious among us and conveys a cheerful attitude which resonates with our customers and suppliers. We have fun in what we do and are enthusiastic.
We Encourage Those Who Desire to Learn
We want to encourage children, teenagers and young adults who have interests in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and offer our support through product knowledge and education.