Air Over Oil Intensifiers
Get the force and stability you need by converting air to hydraulic pressure without the need of a hydraulic system. Models ranging from 5:1 to 36:1.
Air/Oil Intensifiers convert typical shop air, 80-100 psi, into hydraulic pressure. The benefit to you is using existing shop compressed air and boosting pressure by the specified ratio to achieve the desired hydraulic force. It will potentially reduce the need for additional hydraulic caliper disc brakes for your braking application, other system components, and save money.

OVLBOOST™ 44mm 7.8:1
Low profile, aluminum extrusion body. Choice of 1.50” stroke w/.460 or a 3.00” stroke w/.920 hydraulic fluid displacement. Single side or rear porting.

INT05 - 5:1
Use Branham caliper disc brakes or other hydraulic applications to boost pressure. Max input 100 psi. Max output 500 psi. Quad seal pistons. Choice of Buna-N or EPDM.

INT09 - 9:1
Use with hydraulic caliper disc brakes or hydraulic spring applied brakes. Max input 100 psi. Max output 900 psi. Quad seal pistons.

INT10 - 10:1
Use with non-retractable piston caliper brakes and other hydraulic applications to boost pressure. Max input 100 psi. Max output 1000 psi. Quad seal pistons.

INT18 - 18:1
Use with hydraulic caliper or hydraulic spring applied brakes. Max input 100 psi. Max output 1800 psi. Quad seal pistons.

INT20 - 20:1
Use with non-retractable piston caliper disc brakes and other hydraulic applications to boost pressure. Max input 100 psi. Max output 2000 psi. Quad seal pistons.

INT36 - 36:1
Use with non-retractable piston caliper disc brakes and other hydraulic applications to boost pressure. Max input 100 psi. Max output 3600 psi. Quad seal pistons.
How They Work
Air/Oil Intensifiers convert shop air, up to 100 psi, into hydraulic pressure. Air pressure applied to the air inlet displaces a piston of
pre-defined ratio which is transferred to the hydraulic fluid stored within the intensifier housing. An internal spring retracts the piston drawing in hydraulic oil from a reservoir as needed. The vented spring chamber eliminates back pressure.
An Air/Oil Intensifier for every W.C. Branham Hydraulic caliper disc brake series.
- 5:1 Ratio - Model INT05 - Rating of .44 cu. in. displacement per stroke. Use with W.C. Branham hydraulic caliper disc brake H38, H47, H200 series only. Do not use with retractable pistons.
- 10:1 Ratio - Model INT10 - Rating of .44 cu. in. displacement per stroke. Use with W.C. Branham hydraulic caliper disc brake H38, H47, H200 series only. Do not use with retractable pistons.
- 20:1 Ratio - Model INT20 - Rating of .50 cu. in. displacement per stroke. Use with W.C. Branham hydraulic caliper disc brake H38, H47, H200 series only. Do not use with retractable pistons.
An Air/Oil Intensifier for every W.C. Branham Spring Applied Hydraulic caliper disc brake series.
- 9:1 Ratio - Model INT09 - Rating of 7.068 cu. in. displacement per stroke. Use with W.C. Branham hydraulic caliper disc brake H491, H493, H962 series AND hydraulic spring applied FS38, FS47, FS200, FS400, FS500 series.
- 18:1 Ratio - Model INT18 - Rating of 7.068 cu. in. displacement per stroke. Use with W.C. Branham hydraulic caliper disc brake H491, H493, H962 series AND hydraulic spring applied FS38, FS47, FS200, FS400, FS500 series.
- 36:1 Ratio - Model INT36 - Rating of 1.77 cu. in. displacement per stroke. Use with W.C. Branham hydraulic caliper disc brake H491, H493, H962 series AND hydraulic spring applied FS38, FS47, FS200, FS400, FS500 series.
Maintenance Guide for Air/Oil Intensifier Models 1777, 1778, 1779, 1782
- Includes sizing, disassembly, reassembly, operating instructions and replacement part information.
Maintenance Guide for Air/Oil Intensifier Models 1780, 1781
- Includes sizing, disassembly, reassembly, operating instructions and replacement part information.
Read about the benefits of Air/Oil Intensifiers on our blog.